Crafting New Year’s Resolutions that Actually Stick!

New Year's Resolutions that stick

The New Year is an exciting time that’s chock-full of fresh possibilities and prospects. It’s no wonder that millions of people all over the world set resolutions for themselves as they go into the next year. A new year is a new chapter, waiting to be filled in with new ideas, habits, and goals. It’s an extremely positive time of the year!

Everyone has different resolutions come December, but what do resolutions represent? Isn’t it also simple to set new habits to follow throughout the year? Well, humans enjoy the notion of fresh starts and the feelings of hope they bring about. Resolutions can vary from the easily achievable to longer, more complicated ones.

Some simple resolutions could be promising to drink more water in the next year or smiling more. More complex ones could be to recognize and remove toxic people from your life or promising to take up therapy and resolve any inner struggles. Speaking of, if you need any help in figuring out which resolutions to adopt, reach out to me and book a free discovery session today!

The Issue with New Year’s Resolutions

So far, so good, right? Resolutions seem to be warm and wonderful things with great transformative powers. Here’s where the issue comes in. resolutions are much easier said than done. Every New Year’s Eve, people craft a bunch of different resolutions but come February, they’ve forgotten all about them.

It’s understandable. New habits aren’t made overnight, and human beings need consistency and time to adjust to novelty. So, how do we create New Year’s resolutions that stick throughout the year instead of till January? Well, you’re about to find out! Keep reading to understand how to embrace this New Year with steadfast resolutions.

How to Craft New Year’s Resolutions that Stick

Step #1: Be crystal clear about what you want to accomplish

This is the jumping-off point for the whole discussion. It’s important to know what you want to achieve and make a list of your priorities.

One of the best ways to ascertain your current goals is to work with a life coach. Life coaching is essential for almost any phase of your life, and it’s not just limited to an active emotional struggle. Once you sign up with a life coach, you can open up about your concerns and kick-start your journey towards self-awareness and self-fulfillment.

A good life coach will work closely with you to understand what’s going on in your life. When I take on clients, I reassure them with the knowledge that I will create a customized plan for them to follow so they can accomplish any of their personal goals.

Life coaching will allow you to list down all the things you want to work on, be it self-growth or building self-esteem. You will get a personalized strategy that you can then use to make sure you stick to the resolutions that you will draft. It’s a win-win situation!

If you’re eager to explore your upcoming resolutions, book your first free discovery session with me today. It’s that easy!

Step #2: Look at where you are right now

The way I see it, any sort of growth or progress starts when you can truly accept your current state. A lot of people live in denial about what are deemed to be ‘negative’ aspects such as flaws or insecurities. You have to understand that these are all part of human nature and where there is goodness, there may also be some negative traits.

Just because you have insecurities or flaws, don’t feel like you’re a bad person. You’re not a one-dimensional being, and it’s only when you accept this truth that you will be ready to start working on yourself.

Be open to writing down the things you feel you need to fix, be it a short or long list. You can also discuss these items with me during a free discovery session, and we can work out the feasibility of achieving your goals. You will find a lot of instant inner peace once you get your worries out into the open because you can then start to dispel them.

Step #3: Draft a feasible plan

This is where it all leads. Once you’ve followed the preceding steps, you can get to the good stuff, which is creating a plan that you can work with. This is your final list of New Year’s resolutions and your strategy of how to accomplish them.

This step will be a lot easier if you do it with a life coach. For example, let’s say you want to be healthier and overcome self-sabotage in the next year. When you discuss this with me, we will lay down a series of steps that will teach you to overcome the problem in manageable ways. Self-sabotage is a tricky thing to navigate, so we will begin by determining where the feeling is coming from and what motivations you have.

Then we will continue to write down tiny steps such as countering negative thoughts or reaching out to a friend or family member with clearer communication and therefore keep fighting the issue. You will see that these small steps will eventually lead you to conquer a larger issue, and you will have a sizeable goal to check off from your New Year’s resolutions list.

Bonus Tip: Reach out to your support system

A great way to keep yourself on track is not only to make a promise to yourself but to make it to the people around you too. You can pick a couple of friends or family members and show them the plan you’re working on to achieve your resolutions. Once you do this, you will find a sense of responsibility, and you will feel accountable to someone other than yourself. This can be a very positive and uplifting feeling and the more tasks you check off of your list, the better you will feel.

Schedule Your Free Discovery Session Today!

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