Self-Care in the time of Covid-19

self-care during covid-19

Covid-19 has changed the world, literally. This last year has forced people worldwide to stay indoors and find new ways to stay entertained. These drastic measures have also led to an increase in mental health issues, and numerous people have found themselves becoming anxious or depressed.

I want to talk to you about the importance of self-care, especially during these trying and turbulent times. It’s easy to neglect our well-being when we feel like there are external things to focus on. It’s perfectly normal to feel anxious about our circumstances, given the situation. However, you can also use this time to reflect on and renew your relationship with yourself. You can put yourself on the path to well-being by practicing several essential self-care habits during this time.

If you are experiencing any emotional or existential crises and don’t know how to work towards your goals, please book a discovery session with me. I’m a certified life coach, and I’ll discuss your current struggles and help you draft a plan for your future well-being!

What is Self-Care?

Before we talk about self-care practices, it’s essential to discuss what self-care looks like. Self-care can sound like an intimidating concept, but there’s nothing to it.

Self-care is essentially what it sounds like: taking care of yourself. You have to consider yourself the most vital part of this equation and do anything and everything that will benefit your well-being. I will go into more detail about what this looks like on a practical level, but for now, all you need to know is that consistent self-care leads to better self-esteem, more exact thoughts, more focus, and a lot more benefits.

Self-Care Habits to Adopt During Covid-19

I’m talking about self-care during these times because we all have extra time to spend indoors or at home. Most people have adopted a work-from-home structure meaning they are free to stay home while they go about their day.

This naturally frees up more time in our daily lives, which can then be used to indulge in self-care habits. Let’s look at what these are.

#1: Take out time to reflect

It’s hard to take out time to meditate or reflect when we’re running around busy in our workplaces. We often forget to take those precious ten minutes after we wake up to think or meditate. Most of our mornings are spent rushing to get ready and get out of the house.

One of the best self-care practices is to allocate ten to fifteen minutes after you wake up to reflect on your life. This is a great way to get used to introspection. You’ll start to get more in touch with your emotions and become aware of your insecurities. This sounds scary, but it’s not. It’s a beautiful process that will allow you to approach yourself with healing instead of judgment.


#2: Book time with a life coach

One of the best ways to incorporate self-care into your life is to start consulting a life coach. If you don’t know what a life coach does, let me explain. A life coach is like a coach for your life. Life coaches have significant experience in dealing with people’s ambitions, goals, and struggles.

I usually start with a free discovery session, where I get to know my client. I ask them specific questions relating to their current struggles and lifestyle. Over the next few sessions, I get to know them better and develop a detailed plan that they can use to accomplish their particular goals. I then keep checking in with them to ensure that they’re on the right track to meeting their objectives.

Talking to a life coach is an ideal part of any self-care routine as it allows you to open up to someone who can give you a strategy for your life path.

#3: Pick up a new skill

Time indoors might be a blessing in disguise if you know how to use it. An essential part of any self-care routine is to add something novel and exciting to it. You will love being presented with a new challenge and will be eager when you see how quickly you tackle it.

I would suggest picking up a new hobby or skill to ensure your time during lockdown doesn’t go to waste. This can vary from person to person, but here are a few skills you can easily pick up:

  • Learning a new language
  • Knitting or crocheting
  • Reading a book per week.
  • Solving crossword puzzles
  • Keeping a daily or weekly journal
  • Taking an online class
  • Learning new exercises

And there are a lot more you can add to this list! Do you see where I’m going with this? The possibilities are endless.

You might be confused about how learning a new skill would help you practice self-care. Well, once you set yourself on the path to learning something new, you’ll force yourself to be disciplined. This means fixing your sleep schedule and generally creating a stable routine for yourself. Once these things are in place, you will automatically feel a lot better about yourself and your general lifestyle.

Why Self-Care Routines Work

Now hear me out. For anything to work, you need to stick to it and be consistent. It’s the same thing with self-care practices. If you make them a part of your daily routine, they will help you find a sense of well-being and lead you to growth.

This is precisely why self-care routines work. They enable us to handle our daily lives better as we get more in tune with our inner selves. Once we understand our inner worlds more profoundly, we can start to make positive changes to our external life.

Schedule Your Free Discover Session Today!

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