What to Expect: When Working With A Professional Life Coach

professional life coach

Understand the role of a life coach

professional life coach - expectationOn the home page of my website, I try to give any prospective clients a clear picture of what a life coach does. We aren’t counselors, therapists, psychologists, or teachers. The goal is to be clear upfront so there aren’t any unrealistic expectations. Human nature dictates that when we go to a professional for help, that they are going to give us the answers.

That is not how coaching works.

A professional life coach doesn’t give you the answer.  What we do is partner with you to come up with the best solutions for you.  You know yourself better than anyone else, a professional life coach helps you to uncover those best solutions by asking powerful questions.

Ready to partner with someone who will help to make lasting changes in your life? Then schedule a Discovery Session with one of our professional life coaches today!

Expect to be held accountable

professional life coach - accountabilityYourdictionary.com defines accountability (noun) as “taking or being assigned responsibility for something that you have done or something you are supposed to do”.

A professional life coach is not your parent, your boss, or your warden. What we are is an accountability partner who will help you stay on track with your goals. Accountability is one of the main reasons that I’ve seen for why clients don’t reach their goals. Getting unstuck is a very common goal of many clients when they first work with a professional coach.  Once they get past being stuck, then it’s time to move toward their actual goals.

A professional life coach is not your parent, your boss, or your warden. Click To Tweet

Expect to be challenged

professional life coach - challengedDon’t let the word “challenge” scare you. The way in which a professional life coach challenges you is always three things:

  • positive,
  • approachable, and
  • respectful.

What we do is challenge any current negative or non-productive beliefs that you have.  These beliefs can be about yourself or a particular situation. The goal is to stretch your current beliefs or energy past your current situation and perceived limitations.

Don’t believe you can get a better job? What about that belief is contributing to your current situation? Or Don’t believe you have any self-control when it comes to food? How has that belief contributed to your current habits?  Getting to the core of those thoughts and beliefs is an important part of your success. You live your life from a point of those thoughts and beliefs.

You live your life from a point of your thoughts and beliefs so make sure they are positive. Click To Tweet


If you want to experience change, a professional life coach has the job of partnering with you to effectively challenge and confront limiting or self-sabotaging thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors.  They aren’t propelling you towards your success. Making changes and progress can be hard and won’t happen overnight. However, you don’t have to do it alone. If you’re ready and sincere, start working with a professional life coach today!

So what are your feelings about working with a professional life coach?  Do you think it’s a good fit for you and your situation?  Let me know!

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Some other blog posts of interest:

Accountability & Working With A Professional Life Coach

 Am I Uncoachable?!

3 Steps to Getting Unstuck

Secret Reasons Why Professional Coaches Are NOT Calling You Back

Overcoming Self-Sabotage: 3 Steps to Take Today

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